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Shrubland Street Community Primary School Summer Fayre Friday 28th June 2024 - 15.30pm - 17.00pm

Welcome to Shrubland Street Primary School


Hello and welcome to Shrubland Street School. My name is Samuel, and I am chair of the school council.

I enjoy sport and music, and at Shrubland Street, we learn a wide range of subjects including those two. Our diverse school is a wonderful place because the work is fun and interesting, and everyone gets along well together. I want to make this school a better place like adding more clubs, plays and equipment, but believe me, it’s hard to identify anything else that I could improve!

Samuel Coleman

Chair of Shrubland Street Primary School Council

Dates for your Diary

EYFS Father's Day Celebration - 12.06.24

Inset Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) - 14.06.24

UKS2 Residential Pioneer Centre Trip - 17-19.06.24

Sports Day - 25.06.24 am

EYFS Sports Day - 26.06.24 am

PTA Summer Fair - 28.06.24

Term Dates

Term dates 2023-24
Safeguarding poster 2Safeguarding poster 1Warwickshire Schools' Inclusion Charter (1)
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