Welcome to Shrubland Street Primary School
Hello and welcome to Shrubland Street School. My name is Samuel, and I am chair of the school council.
I enjoy sport and music, and at Shrubland Street, we learn a wide range of subjects including those two. Our diverse school is a wonderful place because the work is fun and interesting, and everyone gets along well together. I want to make this school a better place like adding more clubs, plays and equipment, but believe me, it’s hard to identify anything else that I could improve!
Samuel Coleman
Chair of Shrubland Street Primary School Council
Dates for your Diary
Inset Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) - 02.09.24
Inset Day (SCHOOL CLOSED) - 03.09.24
Autum Term Begins - 04.09.24
Meet the Teacher session: Years 1-6 - 05.09.24
PTA Teddy Bears Picnic for new Reception parents - 06.09.24 1:15pm
How do you navigate the Online & Social media world as a parent? Information event for all parents. How do you navigate the Online & Social media world as a parent? Information event for all parents - 24.09.24 2:30pm & 6pm
EYFS Parents - Sharing a Story workshop - 25.09.24 2pm
SEND Parent drop-in event - 08.10.24 pm
Maths Parent Workshop Years 1 – 6 - 17.10.24 am
Parents Evenings - 22 & 23.10.24
HALF TERM - 28.10.24 - 01.11.24