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Sports Pupil Premium

Our Principles:

  •  We allocate PE and Sport premium funding following a careful needs analysis which identifies pupils with priority needs and also makes a contribution to the opportunities provided for all pupils, whatever their needs, skills, abilities and interests. 
  • We make appropriate provision for all pupils who are members of vulnerable groups, including those identified as socially or economically disadvantaged.
  •  We aim to allocate the funding to a range of activities which benefit our current pupils whilst, at the same time, building in plans for longer-term sustainability.
  • Our PE and Sports Premium is clearly identifiable in school budgets and plans. 
  • Our PE and Sports Premium is spent according to best value principles and related to activities which make the best use of the finances available. 
  • We have high expectations for the provision of PE and sport and recognise the importance of quality first teaching in this curriculum area. 
  • We use the funding to accelerate pupils’ progress in PE and sport and assist them in reaching age-related expectations and above. 
  • We track, monitor and evaluate the impact of funding on pupils’ outcomes and staff deployment. 
  • The school reports on the impact of the funding to staff, parents and the Governing Body.
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