Our Curriculum
Curriculum Leader - Miss Greet
The school ensures that the ambitious curriculum is carefully planned. The information that pupils learn is ordered so that pupils can build new learning on what they already know.
Teachers have good subject knowledge and present information clearly. They break down the learning into small steps. Activities are successfully adapted so that all pupils can achieve.
We ensure all children access high quality learning experiences from the first day they enter school. The learning journey at Shrubland Street is designed so children continually develop high quality basic skills in English and Mathematics. They also experience a wide range of activities that develop thinking skills and reinforce the values of the school.
Our curriculum is different to other schools due to the fact that children are taught specific subjects by specialist teachers who are passionate about their area of learning. By the time a child leaves Shrubland Street they will have experienced a range of activities delivered by specialists who are dedicated to promoting learning within their particular subject area. The content of our curriculum from Early Years to Year 6 follows National guidelines and is planned to ensure children have opportunities to achieve national expectations or better for each subject. A rigorous quality assurance programme ensures the school constantly looks to update and improve opportunities for all children to access the whole curriculum and enjoy their learning.
Specialist teachers ensure a plethora of out of school activities and curriculum enrichment opportunities support the learning and promotion of their particular subject both in and out of theclassroom. Learning in school is also supported through overnight subject sleepovers, residential visits for both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 and an annual Space Camp. Subject specialists are also active developing links and projects with external providers and educational trusts. All of these support a diverse creative curriculum which ensures all children experience learning that develops their ability to be creative, adaptable, resillient thinkers and problem solvers.
If you have any further questions about our curriculum here at Shrubland Street, please do not hesitate to come in and talk to us.