Religious Education (R.E.)
At Shrubland Street, we know the importance of RE in helping pupils understand roles in society and learn about the importance of tolerance and respect and valuing diversity. This is taught through the understanding of modern British values and its links to spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) education. It helps pupils examine how we develop communities that are harmonious and respectful of others, no matter what their beliefs, colour or background.
We view RE as an important part of our pupils’ wellbeing, helping them to understand who they are, and how faith and belief can determine and influence the culture they live in. We have also adopted a selection of ‘Peace and Reconciliation’ units that have been developed in conjunction with Coventry Cathedral and offer a chance for us to bring a local flavour to our RE curriculum.
We celebrate and recognise lots of religious and cultural events throughout the school year in a variety of ways including themed days and weeks such as 'Diwali Day',