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School Council

Shrubland Street School Council is an important part of the running of the school. We work alongside the Headteacher, staff and governors of the school to help change things for the better. We discuss how to improve all aspects of school and let the voice of the children be heard when important decisions need to be made. We are involved in the important decisions of school life, such as interviewing new members of staff and fundraising, but also do not forget the small things that are also important in the running of the school. We have been involved with changing the school menu and organising events for the younger children.

We have a very important job to do: we take action on things that we, the pupils, want to change! We meet every two weeks to discuss how our school experience could be even better. We vote on the important decisions we need to take during meetings, and also make sure all council reps have a say. The School Council reps report back to their class and collect ideas and views representing the whole class. Everyone in school knows they can come to us with their ideas and we take them to our meetings. We have an ideas and questions box in the school entrance hall so that people can ask us things in confidence. Our Chair and Vice Chair lead our meetings and our Secretary takes minutes so we can display them for everyone to see. Look out for them on the Website!

Did you know?

The school council at Shrubland Street have been involved in some pretty big ideas resulting in some significant improvements, including:

  • Involved in planning our return to school, after lockdown
  • Separate breaktimes for KS1 and KS2 making playtimes much safer
  • House t-shirts for PE lessons
  • More variety of after school clubs
  • Opportunities for school music lessons
  • New lunch options including jacket potatoes and sandwiches
  • A number of charity fundraising ideas - Pyjama day, Science Fiction Day, Sport Relief daily Km
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