Support for Parents
Please see below a number of services which are available for parents to access a range of support for you or your family, should you need it.
Remember, we are always available in school to support you too.
If you would like us to include any other website that you think would be useful to other parents please let us know via the school office.
Warwickshire's Family and Intervention Service (FIS) provide information and support on a variety of different subjects and topics. They can offer support with:
- Parent Workshops & Programmes
- Child Care
- Housing, money & debt
- Expectant & new parents
as well as lots more. Click on the link above to find out more, or on the image to access the FIS flyer.
Connect for Health is a school nurse-led service that supports children, young people and their families in Warwickshire. Their service is available for all school-aged children (age 5 to 19, or up to 25 for individuals with SEND) and their parents/carers. Their team includes a range of healthcare professionals, who can offer you support with a variety of health topics such as:
- Healthy eating
- Dental health
- Body image
- Fussy eating
- Sleep
- Continence / toiletting
The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) to provide young people who are in full-time education and eligible for free school meals, with access to enriching activities and meals, for free, during the three main school holidays - Winter, Spring and Summer.
Please click on the link or image for more information.
The Family Intervention Counselling Service is a team of dedicated and qualified therapists, working in Warwickshire with families who have or are experiencing domestic abuse. They run their agency on a project basis, meaning they have the flexibility and control to respond to families needs.
Please click on the link above or the image to find further information.
Warwickshire’s SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0 to 25, who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They can offer advice around:
- What is SEND?
- Transport
- Speech & Language
- Neurodevelopmental concerns
- Complaints and appeals
Family and Relationships Support is a guide to free support for families in Warwicksire.
Their guides, workshops and
programmes can help parents come up
with new ideas, problem solve and
reduce stress. You won’t be alone with
many of the concerns you have so it
can be encouraging to recognise and
build upon your existing skills at the
same time as sharing and learning
from other parents and carers.