PSHE - Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
At Shrubland Street Primary School, we aim to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. The PSHE curriculum covers key areas which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health, safety, wellbeing, relationships, and financial matters and will
support them in becoming confident individuals and active members of society.
PSHE is enhanced by a supportive school ethos and values where everyone is valued, positive relationships are promoted and there is a safe learning environment.
Protective Behaviours
Protective Behaviours is a practical down to earth approach to personal safety. It is a process that encourages self-empowerment and brings with it the skills to raise self-esteem and to help avoid being victimised. This is achieved by helping individuals to recognise and trust their intuitive feelings (Early Warning Signs) and to develop strategies for self-protection.
At Shrubland Street School we cover the Protective Behaviours programme throughout the year, with a particular focus during the Autumn term.
Click on the image below for more information about the apprach and how you can support at home.
Curriculum Overview
Shrubland Street Primary School has chosen to use the Kapow Primary PSHE & RSE scheme of work, which provides full curriculum coverage, including all the statutory content, for each year group.
We ensure that our curriculum is tailored to reflect the above data and therefore our local area and needs of the children
Relationships, Sex & Health Education
RSHE supports children and young people’s personal development and aims to help children and young people to deal with the real-life issues they face as they grow up and that they will encounter as adults. Their learning will support them both online and offline, to make informed choices about their safety, physical and mental health, enabling them to live positive and fulfilled lives.
We believe that the best practice approach is for RSHE to be covered as part of a wider programme of PSHE education including additional topics such as citizenship and economic wellbeing which also contribute to personal development.
PSHE & RSE in EYFS: Reception
Personal, social and emotional development is one of the three Prime Areas in the Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage. The prime areas, Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional development, lay the foundations for children to achieve in all areas of learning and life.
The early learning goals (ELG) below summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the reception year in the Personal, Social and Emotional Development prime area. We have organised our EYFS: Reception content under the most relevant early learning goal, however please beaware that these areas are interrelated.